Friday, May 16, 2014


Now that my semester in Idaho has come to a close, I look back and realize I have learned very much: about Idaho, the west, and myself. Coming to Moscow, Idaho as a 'misplaced southerner' was definitely a culture shock to begin with. I was at a large state university as a second semester junior and didn't know anyone. Enter the Beta chapter.

After briefly exchanging emails with the president of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Beta Theta Pi last semester, I knew that I had the potential to be among brothers, even if I was 2500 miles away. At the beginning of the semester, I felt like a freshman all over again, having to learn dozens of names as fast as possible. However,  I got along with all of them so easily because they reminded me so much of my Upsilon brothers back home: they were men of principle. I was on the house meal plan, so I got to eat with them every day, which helped with name memory. Through them, the greatness of my experience increased tenfold. I made so many memories with the brothers of the Gamma Gamma chapter.
I went skiing for the first time ever, traveled to Boise, traveled to Jackson Hole, camped in Montana, and so much more. I was shown 'southern hospitality' by my brothers and their parents, which was so comforting for me. This has been such a great experience for me, and it has been surprisingly difficult to say goodbye to the guys here. Being an honorary member of their chapter, I will definitely be back, I'm just not sure when.
During senior testimonials, where the seniors of the chapter share their experiences and give advice to the underclassmen, I picked up a piece of valuable advice that I have started to really embrace. Life is about making memories. Do whatever makes the most memories.

I plan to.

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